Thursday, January 23rd - Following MCPS, The Heights School will open on time. Classes will begin at the normal time.
All Courses

Introduction to Drawing

ART 111

Introduction to Drawing

  • Course ID:ART 111
  • Semesters:1
  • Department:Art
  • Teachers:Brian Coyne

Description and Objectives

The Art 111 course seeks to introduce students to the basics of drawing. Many aspects will be explored including composition, line, value, edges, as well as a brief introduction to color in the second half of the course. These technical aspects will be used to understand what makes a beautiful picture and to understand how light falls on three-dimensional form. Overall this course seeks to offer students a deeper understanding of the basics of drawing and through this process also lead them to a greater understanding of art and beauty.


Materials needed:

All classroom materials will be provided by the school.

It is strongly encouraged that you son has an art pad (9′” x 12″) that he can carry around with him for sketching.

Course Requirements

Your son will be building a portfolio which will be graded each quarter. The portfolio will be provided for by the school. He will put his best 10 pieces/quarter (20/semester) in his portfolio. The following works are required for this course and should be in his portfolio:

Q1. Contour Line drawing. Fully shaded Still Life. Perspective Drawing. Pen & Ink. Cross-Contour Line Drawing. Human Figure Drawing. Human Face Drawing. Texture Study. Artist’s Choice. Artist’s Choice

Q2. Foreshortening Drawing. Opposite Colors Study. Pastel Painting. Watercolor Painting. Oil Pastel Painting. Colored Pencil Piece. Design Concept. Artist’s Choice. Artist’s Choice. Artist Choice

Successful Students

To succeed in this course a student should display a willingness to try his best on every lesson and exercise. He should be mindful of the requirements for each quarter and be sure his portfolio is up to date. He should read my written quarterly evaluations and make the suggested improvements–this will greatly help him do well. He should make good use of his class time and make progress every day.