
Funds & Endowments

Named gift opportunities are available for donors of $250,000 and above who would like to support specific growth areas of the school. Below are examples of current named gifts and how they are used to support Men Fully Alive.

STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS – Investing in a Unique and Diverse Student Body

Scholarships supplement the school’s own self-funded financial assistance program. These gifts help ensure our ability to attract the students and families we want and allow us to build a community that understands our approach to education and the family spirit that is a hallmark of our school culture. Endowed scholarships in particular help us to secure our commitment to these students and their families.

Below is a list of need-based student scholarship funds:

o   Robert A. Best Memorial Scholarship Fund – A gift from the estate of Mr. Best, a founder and early benefactor, supports upper school student scholarships.

o   Peter Vincent Galahad Blatty Scholarship Fund – Established by Julie and Bill Blatty, parents of Peter ’05 and Paul ’07, this fund honors their son Peter’s memory through scholarships for upper school students.

o   Lieutenant Colonel John F. Hillen Memorial Scholarship Fund – Established to honor the memory of a highly decorated Army Veteran, this fund provides scholarship help for upper school students from military families.

o   Punaro Family Scholarship Fund – Grateful for the education their son Dan ’04 received, Jan and Arnold Punaro established this fund to provide scholarship help for minority upper school students.

FACULTY DEVELOPMENT – Investing in Those Who Carry out the Mission

The ongoing professional development of our faculty is essential for the school to continue to attract and retain teachers dedicated to a life of study and capable of transmitting excellence through their example. Heights faculty actively pursue advanced educational and training goals, participate at conferences and internships, develop educational texts and materials, and author books relevant to educators and parents of boys. Investing in our faculty’s professional development is also an investment in our students and families.

Below is a list of faculty development funds:

o   Class of 2006 Headmaster’s Fund – Established by the class of 2006, this fund provides monies to be used at the headmaster’s discretion for the benefit of our students and faculty.

o   Teacher Education Endowment Fund – Established by Sherry Edwards Denis and Paul Denis, parents of Gordon ’14 and Ian ’17, earnings from this fund provide for the continuing education, training, and development of our faculty.

o   O’Keefe-Gidley Faculty Development Fund – Established by Bridget O. and J. Mark Gidley, parents of Jack ’11 and Ned ’14, earnings from this fund provide for the continuing education, training, and development of our faculty.

CAMPUS PRESERVATION – Investing in a Campus Conducive to Learning

The school’s campus and facilities are critical components that support our academic and athletic programs, and foster the freedom, joy, and contemplation necessary for true learning. Athletic fields and facilities prepare our students to meet future challenges with fortitude, integrity, and optimism. Music, drama, and art facilities provide a setting for boys to see, contemplate, and express reality through performance and design. Our forest and play areas instill a spirit of adventure and a respect for creation.

o   Saint Joseph Fund: Established in 2012, this fund supports the capital improvements necessary for consistent maintenance and good stewardship of our 20-acre campus.

Alumni Funds

The Class of 2006 Headmaster’s Fund

The Class of 2006 has established an endowed fund which provides the Headmaster with funds from the generated annual interest to use as he sees fit, but prioritizing faculty and student needs. Click here for more information or to support the fund.

Donate to the Crescite Fund

Click here to make a gift to the Crescite Fund today.


Development Office

Director of Annual and Planned Giving
  • James Kolakowski
  • 301.365.0227 ext. 254