Thursday, January 23rd - Following MCPS, The Heights School will open on time. Classes will begin at the normal time.



Monday – Friday: 8:20 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Half days: 8:20 a.m. – 12:10 p.m.


Library use: The library is designed for classes, reading, research, and quiet work.

Computer use:  Games, social networking sites, and music playing/downloading are not authorized. Headphones are available for student use in the library for assigned coursework.

Borrowing Policies: All materials may be checked out with the exception of reserved items, reference books, and periodicals. Up to three items at at time may be checked out for a period of two to three weeks. Items may be renewed twice unless a hold is placed on them.

Overdue Policies: Fines for overdue materials are not charged. Overdue notices are emailed directly to parents on a weekly basis. After the third notice, a letter is sent to parents informing them of the overdue items and advising them of the replacement costs. Collection boxes are maintained in lower school classrooms for book returns: it is, however, preferable for students to return books to the library personally.

Cell phones: Use not permitted

Food and drink: Not permitted.

Reading: Encouraged.

New Arrivals

Ecclesiastical History, volumes 1 and 2/Eusebius
The Greek Armies/P. Connolly
The Dalton’s Stash/Morris
A History of Dinosaurs in 50 Fossils/P. Barrett
Waffle Street/J. Adams
Rising Above/G. Zuckerman
Rivers, Lakes, Streams, and Ponds/R. Beatty
Ocean/A. Sayre
Ocean/M. MacQuitty
Ambush at Sorato/J. Flanagan
Oxford Guide to Library Research, 4th edition/T. Mann
All Alonge/C. Bishop
The Prestige/C. Priest

Updated November 2024

Local Libraries
Databases [American History Online - Birds of the World]

American History Online
Spanning more than 500 years of political, military, social, and cultural history, the American History Online database provides subject entries, biographies, primary sources, images and videos, maps and charts, and timelines to produce a virtual library of American history for students and researchers.

Ancient and Medieval History Online
Ancient and Medieval History Online provides thorough coverage of nine civilizations – ancient Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, ancient and medieval Africa, medieval Christendom, the Americas, ancient and medieval Asia, and the Islamic Empire. Coverage from prehistory to 1500. subject entries, biographies, primary sources, images and videos, maps and charts, and timelines.

Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan. ADW is an online encyclopedia of the natural history of animals.

The Annals of American History
Over 2,000 primary source documents on American history.

Birds of the World
A comprehensive database consisting of Cornell University’s Birds of the World database with over 10,000 species, plus a wide array of audio and visual enhancements. Visit the library to preview and obtain the user id and password.

Databases [Cia World Factbook - Loeb Classical Library]

CIA World Factbook
The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. Our Reference tab includes maps of the major world regions, as well as Flags of the World, a Physical Map of the World, a Political Map of the World, a World Oceans map, and a Standard Time Zones of the World map

Gale Databases
Over 35 databases offered by Gale (in the state of Maryland) on everything from books and authors, car repair, business, criminal justice, economics, etc. Click on link above: Then click on your county, click on the database, and you will be able to search the database.
The databases will require you to enter your county, and your public library card number and pin.

JSTOR Academic Journal Articles
Intended for high school students and faculty members. Access to a large database of important scholarly journals. All subjects represented. Passwords to access database and set up account available from the librarian.

Loeb Classical Library 
All of the 520 volumes of the Loeb Classical Library, the standard Latin and Greek texts of classical works are available online. Bi-lingual, with the original Latin or Greek text along with English translations. Obtain password from library staff

Databases [Map Databases - Twayne's Authors Series]


The Map Archive
Large database of U.S. and World map, with particular emphasis on historical maps.
See library staff for username and password.

The Spanish Reference Center
Encyclopedias in Spanish, advanced and basic.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
1500 professional philosophers have produced a high-quality and authoritative reference work on all aspects of philosophy.

Twayne’s Authors Series
Offers in-depth introductions to the lives and works of writers, the history and influence of literary movements and to the development of literary genres. This online series features the content of nearly 600 books that comprise three print series—United States AuthorsEnglish Authors, and World Authors—each of which was carefully coordinated with input from librarians and educators to include authors universally studied in high school and colleges. A starting point for research papers on literary works and figures, special projects and presentations.

Reference Links

Evaluating Web Sources – Is your web source reliable? This will help you find out.

Research Paper Writing Guide – A research paper presents the results of your investigations on a selected topic. This helps you to do that. MLA format

Sailor  –  Sailor is a project of Maryland’s public libraries that provides an extensive collection of research databases for the use of Maryland public library customers.

Bibliography and Citations
Research Basics Course

Library Staff

Library and Information Services
  • James Nelson
  • 301.365.0227 ext. 133
Library Technician
  • Julie Gilak
  • 301.365.0227 ext. 133