In preparation for the first day of school, please view the recommended supply lists below.
Upper School
Students should bring the following supplies on the first day of school:
- Pens
- Pencils with sharpener
- Folders to hold handouts, one for each class (or a binder, if the student prefers)
- A non-graphing scientific calculator for the following math classes (graphing calculators are not allowed for these classes):
- Math 207-208 Algebra II
- Math 307-308 Geometry
- Math 365-366 Pre-Calculus
- Math 445-446 Pre-Calculus and Derivative
- Math 447-448 Calculus
- A graphing calculator for the following math classes:
- Math 507-508 Calculus AB AP
- Math 527-528 Calculus BC AP
- Math 537-538 Differential Equations
- Math 451-452 Statistics AP
- A lock for lockers will be needed for all freshman and sophomores
- Completed summer assignments
The Heights will provide the following:
- Marble notebooks to take notes in, one for each class (passed out in class)
- Textbooks (passed out in class)
- A Heights assignment notebook is available through the mentor
- At the start of the first day of school, each upper school student should go to his locker. His locker number will be posted clearly. 9th and 10th-grade students have lockers in the lower hall. 11th-grade students have lockers on the 2nd floor. 12th-grade students have lockers on the 3rd floor. A student will find his schedule in his locker.
Middle School
Students should bring the following supplies on the first day of school:
- A sturdy backpack
- A binder with subject dividers, 5 pockets, and loose leaf paper
- Pens
- Pencils (with erasers)
- 300 3×5 index cards (for flashcards) and a notecard holder
- ruler
- Art pad – 9” x 12” spiraled – for those taking Art Class
- Colored pencils for 6th-grade students
- A combination lock is required for students in the 7th or 8th grade. It is optional for 6th-grade students.
The Heights will provide the following:
- Marble notebooks to take notes in, one for each class (passed out in class)
- Textbooks (passed out in class)
- An assignment notebook/weekly planner
Lower School
Students should bring the following supplies on the first day of school:
- Backpack
- #2 Pencils (plain design) or mechanical pencils
- White Erasers
- Pencil Sharpener
- 12” Ruler (wooden, metal edge)
- Art Pad – 9″x12″ spiraled
- Colored Pencils (12 pack)
- Loose leaf paper (Wide Ruled)
- 3-ring Binder (2”)
- 7 Subject Folders (with pockets and binder holes)
- Soft Pencil Case (for binder)
The Heights will provide the following:
- Marble notebooks, one for each subject (passed out in class)
- Textbooks (passed out in class)