Wednesday, Feb 12 - The Heights School is closed for inclement weather.
Student Life

School Supplies

In preparation for the first day of school, please view the recommended supply lists below.

Upper School

Students should bring the following supplies on the first day of school:

  • Pens
  • Pencils with sharpener
  • Folders to hold handouts, one for each class (or a binder, if the student prefers)
  • non-graphing scientific calculator for the following math classes (graphing calculators are not allowed for these classes):
    • Math 207-208 Algebra II
    • Math 307-308 Geometry
    • Math 365-366 Pre-Calculus
    • Math 445-446 Pre-Calculus and Derivative
    • Math 447-448 Calculus
  • A graphing calculator for the following math classes:
    • Math 507-508 Calculus AB AP
    • Math 527-528 Calculus BC AP
    • Math 537-538 Differential Equations
    • Math 451-452 Statistics AP
  • A lock for lockers will be needed for all freshman and sophomores
  • Completed summer assignments

The Heights will provide the following:

  • Marble notebooks to take notes in, one for each class (passed out in class)
  • Textbooks (passed out in class)
  • A Heights assignment notebook is available through the mentor
  • At the start of the first day of school, each upper school student should go to his locker. His locker number will be posted clearly. 9th and 10th-grade students have lockers in the lower hall. 11th-grade students have lockers on the 2nd floor. 12th-grade students have lockers on the 3rd floor. A student will find his schedule in his locker.

Middle School

Students should bring the following supplies on the first day of school:

  • A sturdy backpack
  • A binder with subject dividers, 5 pockets, and loose leaf paper
  • Pens
  • Pencils (with erasers)
  • 300 3×5 index cards (for flashcards) and a notecard holder
  • ruler
  • Art pad – 9” x 12” spiraled – for those taking Art Class
  • Colored pencils for 6th-grade students
  • A combination lock is required for students in the 7th or 8th grade.  It is optional for 6th-grade students.

The Heights will provide the following:

  • Marble notebooks to take notes in, one for each class (passed out in class)
  • Textbooks (passed out in class)
  • An assignment notebook/weekly planner

Lower School

Students should bring the following supplies on the first day of school:

  • Backpack
  • #2 Pencils (plain design) or mechanical pencils
  • White Erasers
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • 12” Ruler (wooden, metal edge)
  • Art Pad – 9″x12″ spiraled
  • Colored Pencils (12 pack)
  • Loose leaf paper (Wide Ruled)
  • 3-ring Binder (2”)
  • 7 Subject Folders (with pockets and binder holes)
  • Soft Pencil Case (for binder)

The Heights will provide the following:

  • Marble notebooks, one for each subject (passed out in class)
  • Textbooks (passed out in class)