Wednesday, Feb 12 - The Heights School is closed for inclement weather.

Capital Campaigns

CAPITAL CAMPAIGNS – Investing in Capital Projects

Capital campaigns are organized periodically to address specific needs of the school, most typically in the form of building projects and other improvements. A capital campaign is an important school-wide initiative in which all members of the community are asked to contribute to the extent they are able. Capital projects, as established by the Board of Directors, are underwritten through gifts and not tuition, and are intended to be made in addition to any regular giving to the school’s annual fund. 

The Campus Master Plan guides the physical development of the school’s 20-acre campus. Important components of the Campus Master Plan have been realized through two capital campaigns:

o   Tower Campaign – The Board of Directors approved the launch of the Tower Campaign in the spring of 2006, raising over $14 million for the construction of a signature building and chapel.

o   Campus Campaign – The Board of Directors approved the launch of the Campus Campaign in the spring of 2017, raising more than $3 million to improve our athletic fields and music facilities.

Additional objectives laid out in the Campus Master Plan to be funded by future capital campaigns include:

–   Performing arts center & dining hall

–   Athletic center

–   Middle school building

–   Additional on-campus parking

Donate to the Crescite Fund

Click here to make a gift to the Crescite Fund today.


Development Office

Director of Annual and Planned Giving
  • James Kolakowski
  • 301.365.0227 ext. 254