The Heights offers thirteen Varsity sports, with many of those sports having separate Junior Varsity programs. The goal of athletics at The Heights is to develop each athlete to his fullest potential and to use athletics as an opportunity for growth in virtue. The Heights strives to develop winning sports programs, but views character growth as equally important.
The majority of our coaches are also teachers at The Heights. The teacher-coach model is viewed as essential to the mission of our athletic program. With an eye towards the development of the whole person, the coaches not only teach the technical and tactical aspects of the sport, but also carefully consider how each athlete can grow in character. Emphasis is especially placed on developing toughness, selflessness, and magnanimity in each athlete.
A strength and conditioning program is offered in the off-season to all high school students and a certified athletic trainer is on staff to help with rehabilitation from any injuries.
Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, The Heights joined the Washington Catholic Athletic Conference (WCAC) and won its first ever league championship in soccer in the fall of 2018.
*To view WCAC transfer policy, please click here.