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20th Century Russian Literature

ENG 408 (Not currently offered)

20th Century Russian Literature
(Not currently offered)

Description and Objectives

Through a study of political and fictional literature, including some works by Russian-Americans, students will discover the powerful effects Russian literature, politics, art and film have had on Western Civilization in the 20th century.


Texts: Gulag Archipelago, Doctor Zhivago, analysis of speeches and propaganda from the regimes of Lenin and Stalin, analysis of Battleship Potemkin and its film homages, and selections from Isaac Asimov, the foundational author of robot fiction. (This list is subject to change as needed.)

Course Requirements

Attendance, daily reading and writing in and out of class, thorough interpretive note-taking, prompt and accurate mini-quiz completion at the beginning of class, enthusiasm, good citizenship. This course requires a 10 page paper considering both original and secondary literature.

Successful Students

Will be thoroughly familiar with assigned texts before class begins, will turn in writing assignments early so as to achieve the multiple redrafts likely required, will pass all mini-quizzes (given in the first two minutes of class), and will communicate promptly and regularly with the teacher.