Wednesday, Feb 12 - The Heights School is closed for inclement weather.
All Productions

A Separate Peace

An excellent production of a classic by Nancy Gilsenan.
This is the last show of the season, so make sure to buy tickets before they're sold out!

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About this Production

The different elements of the crest symbolize the different elements of a theatrical production. The central mask represents the paradoxical union of joy and grief as essential aspects of the human experience. The mask also represents mysterious and hidden truth. The crest has written words as its base, just as plays are based on written language. “Omnia Omnibus,” or “All things to all men,” is St. Paul’s description of the Christian mission here on earth, and also an appropriate motto for an actor, who assumes many disguises in order to touch and inspire all audiences. The palette and the harp respectively represent the visual and the aural aspects of theater. The burning flame upon the top stands for the physical movement that enlivens each performance and makes drama a unique art form. The tongue of fire is also a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the Christian Muse, who inspires each artist with a true and loving vision of human life.

Watch the Trailer