
Funds & Endowments

Named gift opportunities are available for gifts of $250,000 or more from benefactors who would like to support specific growth areas of the school.

STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS – Investing in a Unique and Diverse Student Body

Scholarships supplement the school’s self-funded financial assistance program. These gifts ensure we can attract the students and families we seek, allowing us to build a community that embraces our educational approach and the family spirit that defines our school culture.

Below is a list of need-based student scholarship funds:

The Ed & Eleanor Bell Scholarship FundMike and Scott Bell, along with their wives Betsy and Kammie, opened this fund to honor the legacy of their parents, Dr. Ed Bell and his wife of nearly seventy years, Eleanor. 

The Robert A. Best Memorial Scholarship FundRobert Best was instrumental in founding the first educational programs of “The Heights Study Center” in Washington, DC. This estate gift provides deserving boys with little financial means an opportunity to attend the school. 

The Peter Vincent Galahad Blatty Scholarship FundJulie & Bill Blatty, parents of Peter ‘05 and Paul ‘07, initiated this fund to honor the memory of their son Peter. This fund continues to grow and currently provides three full upper school scholarships. 

The Ester Munt-Brooks Scholarship FundBoard members of the American Enterprise Institute wished to formally recognize Ester Brooks, wife of former AEI President Arthur Brooks and mother of Joaquim ‘16 and Carlos ‘18, by establishing a Heights scholarship in her name.

The Thomas G. Carroll ’06 Scholarship FundSusan and Art Carroll, parents of Thomas Carroll ’06, started this fund to honor their son’s memory and to provide additional scholarship opportunities for deserving students

The Cavalier Scholarship Fund Alumni parents who wish to remain anonymous endowed this full four-year upper school scholarship to enable the school to attract qualified minority students who otherwise could not take advantage of a Heights education.

The O’Keefe-Gidley Debate Endowment Fund – Bridget and Mark Gidley, parents of Jack ’11 and Ned ’14, started this fund to ensure The Heights Debate Team receives the support it needs to compete at a high level.

The Class of 2006 Headmaster’s Fund The Class of 2006 initiated this fund to provide as-needed support, at the headmaster’s discretion, for Heights students and faculty. Click here for more information.

The Lieutenant Colonel John F. Hillen, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. John F. Hillen, III started this fund to honor the memory of John’s father, Lieutenant Colonel John F. Hillen, Jr., a highly decorated Army officer, Ranger, and Green Beret. This fund helps qualified young men from military families to attend The Heights.

The Spencer Declan Lunde ’21 Scholarship FundAnonymous donors established this scholarship as a memorial to Spencer Declan Lunde ’21. This fund offers a partial upper school scholarship to a qualified eleventh grade student, giving special consideration to those involved in the school’s music program.

The Punaro Family Scholarship Fund – Jan and Arnold Punaro, parents of Daniel ’04, started this fund in gratitude for the education their son received. Their gift helps make it possible for minority students, who may not have the financial means, to attend The Heights and to take full advantage of the education offered.

The Tower Fund for ScholarshipsThis fund supplements the school’s own self funded tuition assistance program. This aid is crucial for maintaining a community of families aligned with the school’s mission.

The Tower Fund for Student SupportThis fund provides the headmaster with a source of income to help deserving boys, who lack adequate financial resources, to participate in all aspects of student life at The Heights.


FACULTY DEVELOPMENT – Investing in Those Who Carry out the Mission

The ongoing professional development of our faculty is crucial for the school to attract and retain teachers who are committed to a life of study and who can model excellence through their example. Heights faculty actively pursue advanced education and training, attend conferences, create educational texts and materials, and write books for educators and parents. Investing in our faculty’s professional growth is also an investment in our students and families.

Below is a list of faculty development funds:

The Headmaster’s Fund for FacultyThis fund provides the headmaster with as needed finances to maintain and professionally develop outstanding teachers.

The O’Keefe-Gidley Faculty Development Fund – Bridget and Mark Gidley, parents of Jack ’11 and Ned ’14, opened this fund to honor their parents and to support faculty compensation and professional development. This fund aims to help The Heights remain competitive in attracting and retaining the best teachers possible.

The Pateder Family Fund for Financial Support – Kristin and Dhruv Pateder, parents of Ethan ’28, established this fund to provide a source of income to be used at the sole discretion of the headmaster to financially support the mission of The Heights School.

The Teacher Education Endowment Fund – Sherry Edwards Denis & Paul Denis, parents of Gordon ‘14 and Ian ‘17, opened this fund to support the ongoing education, training, and development of The Heights faculty.

The Tower Fund for Faculty – This fund aims to provide a reliable source of revenue to support compensation and benefits for the school’s most important resource: its faculty.


CAMPUS PRESERVATION – Investing in a Campus Conducive to Learning

The school’s campus and facilities play a critical role in supporting our academic and athletic programs, fostering the freedom, joy, and contemplation essential for true learning. Athletic fields and facilities prepare our students to face future challenges with fortitude, integrity, and optimism. Music, drama, and art facilities create a space for boys to observe, contemplate, and express reality through performance and design. Our forest areas inspire a spirit of adventure and instill respect for creation.

The Campus Preservation Fund – This fund exists to support efforts to restore, preserve, or enhance the school’s facilities.

The St. Joseph Fund – Kathy and Marv Reitz, parents of Andy ’05, started this fund to support maintenance and stewardship of the school’s 20-acre campus. Earnings from this fund aim to ensure Heights students have the facilities and outdoor environment needed for educational excellence.

The Heights Forum Fund – This fund enables The Heights to share its culture of teaching with parents and educators through digital content and in-person conferences.

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