Heights Parents Conference 2025: Fostering our Sons’ Faith

“Tell the Next Generation that Such is Our God…” - Psalm 48

Apr 12
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About the Conference

Foremost among many parents’ desires is this: that our children keep the faith.

But what does it mean to “keep the faith”? Certainly more than simply “staying” Catholic, Christian, or whichever faith tradition one might practice. And is it just a matter of teaching doctrine or is our task something else—something deeper and more profound? Finally, how do we cooperate with our children’s Creator to foster a prayer-rooted relationship with God in a manner respectful of our boys’ freedom?

An integrated approach to these questions centers on relationships: ours with our children, ours with their Creator (and our own); and, most importantly, our Creator’s with our sons.

Join us on April 12, 2025 from 10-4pm for a day devoted to conversation and friendship centered on this beautiful topic. We’ll address the following questions:

  • What is Faith and how might we foster it as our sons grow from childhood, to boyhood, to youth?
  • How might we nurture the quiet mind that could be open to relationship with God?
  • What is Prayer and how might we facilitate it?