As we form our sons and students into competent professionals and effective leaders, technology is a domain that they will have to master. The scale of the good they might do is exponentially multiplied by the new machines of the “4th Industrial Revolution.” Ours is an era of advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and radical instantaneous connectivity, all of which are waiting for our sons to put them to good use.
Yet, undeniably, these tools can also be brought to bear upon our sons. Our society’s predisposition to distraction, addiction, and shallow connectedness has become a major obstacle to the formation of a positive culture in our homes and self-mastery in our boys.
Join us for a day of reflection with Heights parents and faculty as we explore a positive vision for technology in the lives of our sons. We will seek out the good to be achieved, and work—together—to discern ways to protect our sons from the forces seeking to divert them from their quest to achieve mature, generous, and strong Christian manhood.
Topics for discussion
- Introducing Young Children to the Internet
- Content Filtering Services
- Seams in the Armor
- iPhone vs Android vs. The New Feature Phones
- Pornography, Addiction, and Compassion after Failure
- When to Let Go
- Social Pressures from Social Media
10:00 Mass: Optional for conference attendees in The Heights Chapel
11:00 Introduction and Overview
11:15 A Foundation of Trust: Colin Gleason on relationship
12:00 “What is He Thinking? What Does He Need?” Alvaro de Vicente offers real guidance on accompanying our boys through virtual challenges
12:30 Q&A Panel: Alvaro de Vicente, Colin Gleason; Rich Moss Moderating
1:00 Lunch: A seated meal fostering the conspiracy for the good
2:00 The Prudential On-ramp: Rich Moss offers a necessary but insufficient introduction to layering routines and routers onto relationships
3:00 Break Out Session: IT CAN BE DONE! Breakout sessions moderated by veteran parents.
4:00 Fighting the Good Fight: Joe Cardenas on accompanying our sons in their battle to avoid and overcome addictions resulting from devices given too early or right on time.
4:45 Q&A Panel: Alvaro de Vicente, Colin Gleason, and Joe Cardenas; Rich Moss Moderating
5:30 Refreshments and Conversation
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