One of the great privileges of the paternal vocation is that of accompanying our sons as they develop their understanding of human sexuality.
Join the men of your son’s School Division for an evening of candid discussion on the challenges and opportunities of this task.
The challenges presented by our culture are both new yet timeless, known and pervasive, permeating our sons’ consciousness of reality despite our best efforts.
Yet, none of the countervailing winds and currents can compare in power to the beauty of love and the glorious splendor of the children of God, men and women fully alive, self-mastered and free enough to give themselves away.
As we strive to protect our boys’ vision and understanding of what is real and what is true, one of our greatest strengths lies in our community: as a community of forming fathers we can draw strength, assistance, and inspiration from the shared experience of decades of dads, blessed to have done so well what we endeavor to do now.
Join us.
Heights Fathers are invited to attend any of the following three evenings, with a strong recommendation to join the session focused on their son’s School Division.
Each evening will begin with a brief presentation by the School Division Head, followed by grade-specific panels addressing age-appropriate topics. Fathers of Lower and Middle School students will join the panel corresponding to their son’s grade, while Upper School fathers may choose from four different topics tailored to their sons’ unique developmental stage.
Lower School Fathers – Thursday, February 6
- Grade 3 – First Steps: Introducing our Sons to God’s Plan for Marriage and Human Love
- Grade 4 – Pornography: Preparing for the First *Usually* Unexpected Encounter
- Grade 5 – Preparing Sons to Navigate the Challenges of Modern Sexual Ideology
Middle School Fathers – Thursday, February 13
- Grade 6 – Defending Your Son From Pornography by Providing the Right Understanding of Human Love
- Grade 7 – Counterbalancing Modern Sexual Ideologies
- Grade 8 – Being the Primary Coach through High School Challenges and Tough Topics
Upper School Fathers – Thursday, February 20
Fathers may register in advance for any one of eight panels that will follow the short general session. Topics will include but not be limited to:
- Dating
- Socializing
- Father/Son Relationship
- Technology in the Home
- And more…