Wednesday, Feb 12 - The Heights School is closed for inclement weather.

St. Josemaría Escriva for 21st Century Husbands and Fathers

The Life and Teaching of a Man Fully Alive


Much of what we love about our school and community stems from the life and teaching of St. Josemaría Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. Especially as husbands, fathers, and professionals, St. Josemaría speaks to us directly when he exhorts us to passionately love the world, to be aware of our divine sonship, to sanctify our ordinary work, and to strive for sanctity in the middle of 21st century Washington, D.C.

Join us for a day of reflection and fraternity centered on the life and teaching of St. Josemaría. Explore how his inspired ministry flourished into a lay spirituality that serves us: men living right here, right now.

10:00 AM: Mass (Optional)

10:45 AM: Introduction

11:00 AM: Fr. Javier del Castillo – A Father’s Worldview in the Message of St. Josemaría

12:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 PM: Fr. Malcom Kennedy and Dr. Darryl Glick – A get-together on the life of St. Josemaría moderated by Mr. Bill Dardis

2:00 PM: Alvaro de Vicente – Fatherhood as a Vocation

3:00 PM: Bring it on Home! Discussion groups on key takeaways from the conference hosted by Heights fathers

4:00 PM: Refreshments and Cigars – Enjoy conversation and fraternity with conference attendees