Wednesday, Feb 12 - The Heights School is closed for inclement weather.

Alumni Weekend 2021

Alumni Weekend is back, join us!

Buy Tickets & RSVP for Free Events

Join us for a celebration of all things Heights and a chance to gather with friends, classmates, and fellow alumni.

This year, the event will be centered around the four Clans of The Heights crest- Gold Cross, Red Cross, Red Rose, and White Lily.  All students and faculty are placed in a Clan when they arrive at the school. All alumni have been assigned a Clan as well, even if you attended the school before the system was put in place. If you’re not sure what your Clan is, just ask!

Alumni Weekend 2021 will be a unique opportunity to learn about the Clans and the life of our school. To facilitate this experience we have added many aspects of Clan Day (similar to the Renaissance Day that some alumni may remember) to the traditional Alumni Weekend events.  These include a variety of physical competitions and the Bard (poetry, music, or acting) all for Clan points to determine the winning clan for the weekend!

Clan shirts and Custom Clan Beers will be available for all participants. Tickets will be $100 including the dinner and $50 if you don’t attend the dinner.

Please email Director of Alumni Relations Jimmy Callahan ’06 with questions-

The schedule for the weekend is as follows:

Friday, October 8th:

4 PM Varsity Soccer vs Bishop O’Connell (Upper Field)

5 PM-10 PM Opening Reception and Cook-out in the Courtyard

5:15 PM-7:15 PM Campus Tours Available

5:30 PM Cornhole Tournament (must play with someone in your Clan)

7:30 PM Short Story Discussion with Michael Ortiz and Tom Royals-

Saturday, October 9th:

9 AM- 10 AM Alumni Soccer Game

10 AM-12 PM Alumni Clan Games: Thud, Strongest Man Competition, Tug-of-war. Bring the whole family to watch dad compete! Games will be available for kids as well.

11:30-1 PM BBQ lunch, Families welcome!

5:30 PM Vigil Mass for Deceased Alumni and Faculty

6 PM Reception & Alumni Dinner, featuring the Competition of the Bard and the State of The Heights Address by Headmaster Alvaro de Vicente ’83

8 PM Drinks, Cigars, Conversation

Sunday, October 10th:

1:30 PM Hike the Billy Goat Trail. Meet at The Heights at 1:30 or at the trail at 2 PM. Families welcome!
Monday, October 11th:
The Heights Golf Classic-held at Kenwood Golf & Country Club. Separate tickets are required, learn more here.