Thursday, January 23rd - Following MCPS, The Heights School will open on time. Classes will begin at the normal time.

Educating Leaders Conference

Seminars from the 2013 event

Over the years, we have had the privilege of hosting many school leader visits at The Heights for the purpose of trading ideas and benefitting from the mutual experience we share as educators of young men. You will see below that our first conference offered an outstanding series of presentations and speakers with a cohesive message of developing schools that partner naturally with parents. In addition to these presentations, we are often available to continue invaluable conversations and trade ideas about best practices and discuss perspectives on education with other school leaders. We hope these presentations will offer extraordinary opportunities for collaboration that will shape our shared mission of educating leaders.

Andrew W. Reed
Director, Educating Leaders Conference
Head of Middle School, The Heights School

Fathers & Sons: When and How the Essential Bond is Formed - Pat Fagan

A Quiet Mind: Screen Time vs. a Culture of Reading in the Home - Michael Moynihan

Parent Generosity - Phil McGovern

Working with Families - Andy Reed

How to Develop the Liberal Arts in a Curriculum - Austin Hatch

Growing in Virtue through the Liberal Arts - Matt Mehan

Why Do People Give - Arthur Brooks

Freedom & Formation in Virtue - David Gallagher

Formation for Students Through Advisory - Joe Cardenas

Formation for Faculty - Colin Gleason

Formation for Parents - Tom Royals

Developing Schools for Families - Alvaro de Vicente