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Advanced Studio Art III

ART 382

Advanced Studio Art III

  • Course ID:ART 382
  • Semesters:1
  • Department:Art
  • Teachers:Brian Coyne

Description and Objectives

The Art 382/383 sequence is structured similarly to the AP Art in that it allows for the student to move up to AP Art if he and his instructor feel he is ready for the increased work load. Much like AP Art, he will put together a portfolio of his 12 very best works of a variety of media and approaches in addition to 12 pieces of a concentration (See AP Art course description for more detail). The student is required to work with a plan in mind at all times and should be making progress every class. He should know what his concentration is no later than the end of the first semester. He should work closely with his instructor to ensure his portfolio has both a breadth of approaches as well as a cohesive theme.


All classroom materials will be provided by the school.  It is strongly encouraged that you son has an art pad (9′ x 12″) that he can carry around with him for sketching. He should also have his personal art supplies at home where he can be working on more elaborate pieces on his own time as well as in the classroom. Basic supplies are: a set of water color paints, set of acyrilc paints, colored pencils, quality pens, mixed media paper, drawing pencils.

Course Requirements

Six projects per quarter. That’s 3 showing a variety of approaches, media and/or styles and 3 pieces showing a cohesive theme or approach. That’s 12 pieces/semester.

Successful Students

Successful Art 3 students have gravitated towards their strongest media and have shown they have the ability to work steadily on more involved pieces.