Thursday, January 23rd - Following MCPS, The Heights School will open on time. Classes will begin at the normal time.
All Clubs

Debate Team

Heights Debate Team for Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Debate Team

  • Grade level:9-12
  • Meeting Times:Wednesdays at 12:50 pm
  • Location:Room 21
  • Seasons:September - March
  • Notice:Anyone is welcome to come to any and all meetings.
  • Advisors:David Maxham

Club Mission

Heights Debate Team aims to develop the ability to make substantive arguments in a rhetorically effective manner in search for the truth. In order to make substantive arguments, we will work to improve our logical thinking skills and effective research methods. Moreover, debate is a team activity; we will learn to collaborate and share ideas. Rhetorically effective speech requires lots of practice in a variety of settings. To that end, we will often times hold mock debates and practice challenging one another’s ideas in an appropriate manner. Ultimately, we must love the truth more than all else. Even when making an inferior argument, we are doing so in pursuit of a greater truth. Debate is a game, and like chess, you need to be able to play both sides in order to be an effective player. The goal is that by playing this game, we learn more about the truth both because we have thought about the topic ourselves and because we have learned from others.

Events & Topics

We compete in WACFL. There is a debate one Saturday a month from October to February and then Metrofinals the first week of March.

Skills & Benefits

See the Mission Statement.

Additional Resources

WACFL site: