Beginner Template Week 1
- Push-Up/Sit-Up Card Game with two partners. Consider doing only kneeling push-ups if you cannot complete more than 15 good push-ups. Rules of the game below:
- Get a deck of cards and a partner (no more than 4 people per one game)
- Even cards are push-ups, odds are sit-ups (squats/crunches on day two)
- Jacks are 11, Queens are 12, Kings are 13, Aces are 15, Jokers are 15
- Draw a card, do your reps. Next person in line goes right after. No sitting when you are resting!
- If your arms start to give out, move to kneeling push-ups.
- Hill Sprints – Find a steep hill and sprint up 10 times. Walk back down for your rest. Do this with a sibling or parent and make it a competition.
- Squats/Crunches Card Game with two partners.
- Conditioning circuit: 10 push ups, 20 sit ups, 30 jumping jacks, rest 1 minute. Repeat for 8 total minutes of work.
- Day off. Don’t get used to it!
Beginner Template Week 2
- Set a timer for 10 minutes. See how many kneeling push ups you can complete in a 10-minute period.
- Mark off an area in your backyard and play freeze tag with siblings/parents. You are always it and you can’t slack off. One-minute on/one minute off for at least 10 minutes.
- Set a timer for 10 minutes. See how many squats you can complete in a 10-minute period.
- Conditioning circuit: 10 push-ups, 20 squats, 30 jumping jacks, rest 1 minute. Repeat for 8 total minutes of work.
- Run around your block. Rest two minutes. Repeat 3 more times.
Beginner Template Week 3
Complete 50 push-ups per day except for Monday.
- 50 push-ups, 100 squats. Complete throughout the day.
- Burpees – Complete 30 burpees as fast as you can. Rest as needed.
- 5 minute rest period after burpees are completed.
- Hill Sprints – Find a hill that takes 30 seconds to sprint up. Do 5 sprints with a walk down rest.
- Lateral Jumps Over Basketball – 5×6 (5 sets of 6 reps)
- Walking Lunges – 5×10 (10 reps each leg)
- Planks – 3×30 sec.
- 100 yard sprints – Go to a field and mark off 100 yards. Do 10 sprints with walk back as rest.
- Squats/Crunches Card Game with one partner.
Beginner Template Week 4
Complete 50 push-ups per day except for Monday.
- 5 minutes – complete as many squats as possible and record reps.
- 5 minutes – complete as many push-ups as possible and record reps.
- Burpees – Complete 30 burpees as fast as you can. Rest as needed. Beat last week’s time!
- 5 minute rest period after burpees are completed.
- Hill Sprints – Find a hill that takes 30 seconds to sprint up. Do 5 sprints with a walk down rest.
- Standing Long Jump – 5×3
- Step-Ups – 5×10 (10 reps each leg)
- Side Plank – 5×20 seconds each side
- Conditioning Circuit: 30 seconds of Jumping Jacks, 30 seconds of Mountain Climbers, 30 seconds of High Knees, 30 seconds of Rest. 8 total minutes.
- Squats/Crunches Card Game with one partner.
Intermediate Template Week 1
- 100 Push-ups, 200 Squats. Complete reps throughout the day.
- Hill Sprints – Find a steep hill and sprint up 8 times. Jog back down for your rest. The sprint should take at least 15 seconds but not take longer than 30 seconds.
- Standing Long Jump Bounds – 5×3 (5 sets of 3 reps)
- Chin-Ups – 20 total reps (if you don’t have a bar, find a tree branch)
- Planks – 3×60 seconds
- Push-Up/Sit-Up Card Game with only one partner. Double all sit up reps.
- Vertical Jumps – 5×3 (pick a target like a basketball net or gutter and jump to it)
- Clapping Push-ups – 5×3
- Lying Back Press – 3×10
- Walking Lunges – 50 total reps
- Conditioning – Fast run around your block. Rest 60 seconds. Repeat until you’ve reached 10 total minutes.
- Squats/Crunches Card Game with only one partner. Double all reps.
Intermediate Template Week 2
- 150 Push-ups, 300 Squats. Complete reps throughout the day.
- Hill Sprints – Find a steep hill and sprint up 10 times. Jog back down for your rest.
- Lunge Jumps – 5×4 – rebound as fast as possible and jump as high as you can
- Chin-Ups – 25 total reps (if you don’t have a bar, find a tree branch)
- Planks – 3×60 seconds
- Push-Up/Sit-Up Card Game with only one partner. Double all reps. If your arms give out, move to kneeling push-ups.
- Vertical Jumps – 5×3
- Clapping Push-ups – 5×3
- Supine Push-Up – 3×10
- Walking Lunges – 60 total reps
- Conditioning – Rounds of 10 burpees, 20 mountain climbers, 30 jumping jacks, 1-minute rest. Work for 10 total minutes.
- Squats/Crunches Card Game with only one partner. Double all reps.
Intermediate Template Week 3
Complete 100 push-ups per day except for Monday.
- 150 Push-ups, 300 Squats. Complete reps throughout the day.
- Burpees – Complete 50 burpees as fast as you can. Rest as needed.
- 5 minute rest period after burpees are completed.
- Hill Sprints – Find a hill that takes 30 seconds to sprint up. Do 6 sprints with a walk down rest.
- Slalom Jumps Over Basketball – 5×6
- Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×8
- Single Leg Hip Thrusts – 5×8
- Planks – 3×30 seconds
- Tempo Ladder – Mark off 100 yards in a grass field. 10 seconds rest between reps, 60 seconds rest between sets. Pace should be a fast run, not an all out sprint.
- Set 1: 1-1-1 (1 means 100 yards, 2 means 200 yards)
- Set 2: 1-2-1
- Set 3: 2-1-2
- Set 4: 1-2-1
- Set 5: 1-1-1
- Squats/Crunches Card Game with only one partner. Double all reps.
Intermediate Template Week 4
Complete 100 push-ups per day except for Monday.Monday
- 5 minutes – complete as many squats as possible and record reps.
- 5 minutes – complete as many push-ups as possible and record reps.
- 5 minutes – complete as many sit-ups as possible and record reps.
- Burpees – Complete 50 burpees as fast as you can. Rest as needed. Beat last week’s time!
- 5 minute rest period after burpees are completed.
- Hill Sprints – Find a hill that takes 30 seconds to sprint up. Do 8 sprints with a walk down rest.
- Slalom Jumps Over Basketball – 5×6
- Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×8
- Single Leg Hip Thrusts – 5×8
- Planks – 3×30 seconds + 30 Bicycle Crunches right after each set of planks.
- Tempo Ladder – Mark off 100 yards in a grass field. 10 seconds rest between reps, 60 seconds rest between sets. Pace should be a fast run, not an all out sprint. For the second week, we are doing the Tempo Ladder twice. You get 5 minutes rest in between each Ladder.
- Set 1: 1-1-1 (1 means 100 yards, 2 means 200 yards)
- Set 2: 1-2-1
- Set 3: 2-1-2
- Set 4: 1-2-1
- Set 5: 1-1-1
- Squats/Crunches Card Game with only one partner. Double all reps.
Advanced Template Week 1
- 250 Push-ups, 400 Squats. Complete reps throughout the day. Yes, you will be sore tomorrow!
- Hill Sprints – Find a steep hill and sprint up 12 times. Jog back down for your rest. The sprint should take at least 15 seconds but not take longer than 30 seconds.
- Standing Long Jump Bounds – 5×3 (5 sets of 3 reps)
- Chin Ups – 40 total reps (if you don’t have a bar, find a tree branch)
- Step Ups – Find a high chair/table and complete 60 total reps (30 each leg).
- Side Planks – 3×30 seconds each side.
- Every hour, on the hour: 30 push ups, 25 Bulgarian split squats (25 reps on each leg). Workout starts at 8am and the last set is at 5pm.
- Vertical Jumps – 5×3 (pick a target like a basketball net or gutter and jump to it)
- Clapping Push-ups – 5×3
- Inverted Row – 5×10, you can do this under a table.
- Supermans – 3×10, each rep hold for 2 seconds at the top.
- Conditioning – Every minute on the minute, do 12 burpees. You get the remainder of the minute as your rest. 15 total minutes.
- Squat Iso-Hold – 3 supersets – Static Hold at parallel for 30-60 seconds, then do max reps. Rest 2 minutes between each set.
- Push-up Iso-Hold – 3 supersets – Static Hold at mid-range for 30 seconds, then do max reps. Rest 2 minutes between each set.
- Plank/Bicycle Crunch – 3 sets – 60 second plank, then immediately do 40 bicycle crunches.
- Foam rolling – find a foam roller, PVC pipe, or rolling pin and roll out your legs.
Advanced Template Week 2
- 10 minutes – complete as many squats as possible and record reps.
- 10 minutes – complete as many push-ups as possible and record reps.
- 10 minutes – complete as many sit-ups as possible and record reps.
- Hill Sprints – Find a steep hill and sprint up 15 times. Jog back down for your rest. The sprint should take at least 15 seconds but not take longer than 30 seconds.
- Chin-Ups – 50 total reps (if you don’t have a bar, find a tree branch)
- Single Leg Hip Thrusts – 5×10
- Side Planks – 3×30 seconds each side.
- Every hour, on the hour: 30 pushups, 40 walking lunges (20 each leg). Workout starts at 8am and the last set is at 5pm.
- Vertical Jumps – 5×3 (pick a target like a basketball net or gutter and jump to it)
- Clapping Push-ups – 5×3
- Supine Push-Up – 5×10, 2 second pause at top of each rep.
- Supermans – 4×10, each rep hold for 2 seconds at the top
- Conditioning – 10 incline push-ups, 20 step-ups, 30 running high-knees, 1-minute rest. 15 total minutes.
- Squat 30-10-30 – 3 supersets – 30 second descent, 10 full range reps, 30 second descent – Too easy? Do 20 reps instead of 10.
- Pushup 30-10-30 – 3 supersets, same instructions as above.
- Plank/Bicycle Crunch – 3 sets – 60 second plank into 40 bicycle crunches.
- Foam rolling – find a foam roller, PVC pipe, or rolling pin and roll out your legs.
Advanced Template Week 3
Complete 200 push-ups per day except for Monday.
- 300 Push-ups, 500 Squats. Complete reps throughout the day.
- Burpees – Complete 100 burpees as fast as you can. Rest as needed.
- 5 minute rest period after burpees are completed.
- Hill Sprints – Find a hill that takes 30 seconds to sprint up. Do 10 sprints with a walk down rest.
- Depth Jumps – 5×3
- Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×8 with pause at bottom.
- Single Leg Hip Thrusts – 5×8 with pause at top.
- Inverted Rows – 5×8 with pause at top.
- Dynamic Side Planks – 5×10 reps each side.
- Tempo Ladder – Mark off 100 yards in a grass field. 10 seconds rest between reps, 60 seconds rest between sets. Pace should be a fast run, not an all out sprint.
- 20 pushups, 30 crunches after all sets.
- Set 1: 1-1-1 (1 means 100 yards, 2 means 200 yards)
- Set 2: 1-2-1
- Set 3: 2-1-2
- Set 4: 1-2-1
- Set 5: 1-1-1
- Squats/Crunches Card Game with only one partner. Double all reps.
Advanced Template Week 4
Complete 200 push-ups per day except for Monday.
- 10 minutes – complete as many squats as possible and record reps.
- 10 minutes – complete as many push-ups as possible and record reps.
- 10 minutes – complete as many sit-ups as possible and record reps.
- Compare reps to two weeks ago.
- Burpees – Complete 100 burpees as fast as you can. Rest as needed. Beat last week’s time!
- 5 minute rest period after burpees are completed.
- Hill Sprints – Find a hill that takes 30 seconds to sprint up. Do 12 sprints with a walk down rest.
- Depth Jumps – 5×3
- Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×10 with pause at bottom.
- Single Leg Hip Thrusts – 5×10 with pause at top.
- Inverted Rows – 5×10 with pause at top.
- Dynamic Side Planks – 5×12 reps each side.
- Tempo Ladder – Mark off 100 yards in a grass field. 10 seconds rest between reps, 60 seconds rest between sets. Pace should be a fast run, not an all out sprint. For the second week, we are doing the Ladder twice. You get 5 minutes rest between ladders.
- 20 pushups, 30 crunches after all sets.
- Set 1: 1-1-1 (1 means 100 yards, 2 means 200 yards)
- Set 2: 1-2-1
- Set 3: 2-1-2
- Set 4: 1-2-1
- Set 5: 1-1-1
- Squats/Crunches Card Game with only one partner. Triple all reps.