Wednesday, Feb 12 - The Heights School is closed for inclement weather.

Bodyweight Workout Plan

Beginner Template Week 1


  • Push-Up/Sit-Up Card Game with two partners. Consider doing only kneeling push-ups if you cannot complete more than 15 good push-ups. Rules of the game below:
    • Get a deck of cards and a partner (no more than 4 people per one game)
    • Even cards are push-ups, odds are sit-ups (squats/crunches on day two)
    • Jacks are 11, Queens are 12, Kings are 13, Aces are 15, Jokers are 15
    • Draw a card, do your reps. Next person in line goes right after. No sitting when you are resting!
    • If your arms start to give out, move to kneeling push-ups.


  • Hill Sprints – Find a steep hill and sprint up 10 times. Walk back down for your rest. Do this with a sibling or parent and make it a competition.


  • Squats/Crunches Card Game with two partners.


  • Conditioning circuit: 10 push ups, 20 sit ups, 30 jumping jacks, rest 1 minute. Repeat for 8 total minutes of work.


  • Day off. Don’t get used to it!
Beginner Template Week 2


  • Set a timer for 10 minutes. See how many kneeling push ups you can complete in a 10-minute period. 


  • Mark off an area in your backyard and play freeze tag with siblings/parents. You are always it and you can’t slack off. One-minute on/one minute off for at least 10 minutes. 


  • Set a timer for 10 minutes. See how many squats you can complete in a 10-minute period. 


  • Conditioning circuit: 10 push-ups, 20 squats, 30 jumping jacks, rest 1 minute. Repeat for 8 total minutes of work.


  • Run around your block. Rest two minutes. Repeat 3 more times.
Beginner Template Week 3

Complete 50 push-ups per day except for Monday.


  • 50 push-ups, 100 squats. Complete throughout the day.


  • Burpees – Complete 30 burpees as fast as you can. Rest as needed.
  • 5 minute rest period after burpees are completed.
  • Hill Sprints – Find a hill that takes 30 seconds to sprint up. Do 5 sprints with a walk down rest.


  • Lateral Jumps Over Basketball – 5×6 (5 sets of 6 reps)
  • Walking Lunges – 5×10 (10 reps each leg)
  • Planks – 3×30 sec.


  • 100 yard sprints – Go to a field and mark off 100 yards. Do 10 sprints with walk back as rest.


  • Squats/Crunches Card Game with one partner.
Beginner Template Week 4

Complete 50 push-ups per day except for Monday.


  • 5 minutes – complete as many squats as possible and record reps.
  • 5 minutes – complete as many push-ups as possible and record reps.


  • Burpees – Complete 30 burpees as fast as you can. Rest as needed. Beat last week’s time!
  • 5 minute rest period after burpees are completed.
  • Hill Sprints – Find a hill that takes 30 seconds to sprint up. Do 5 sprints with a walk down rest.


  • Standing Long Jump – 5×3
  • Step-Ups – 5×10 (10 reps each leg)
  • Side Plank – 5×20 seconds each side 


  • Conditioning Circuit: 30 seconds of Jumping Jacks, 30 seconds of Mountain Climbers, 30 seconds of High Knees, 30 seconds of Rest. 8 total minutes.


  • Squats/Crunches Card Game with one partner.
Intermediate Template Week 1


  • 100 Push-ups, 200 Squats. Complete reps throughout the day. 


  • Hill Sprints – Find a steep hill and sprint up 8 times. Jog back down for your rest. The sprint should take at least 15 seconds but not take longer than 30 seconds.
  • Standing Long Jump Bounds – 5×3 (5 sets of 3 reps)
  • Chin-Ups – 20 total reps (if you don’t have a bar, find a tree branch)
  • Planks – 3×60 seconds


  • Push-Up/Sit-Up Card Game with only one partner. Double all sit up reps.


  • Vertical Jumps – 5×3 (pick a target like a basketball net or gutter and jump to it)
  • Clapping Push-ups – 5×3
  • Lying Back Press – 3×10
  • Walking Lunges – 50 total reps
  • Conditioning – Fast run around your block. Rest 60 seconds. Repeat until you’ve reached 10 total minutes.


  • Squats/Crunches Card Game with only one partner. Double all reps.
Intermediate Template Week 2


  • 150 Push-ups, 300 Squats. Complete reps throughout the day.


  • Hill Sprints – Find a steep hill and sprint up 10 times. Jog back down for your rest.
  • Lunge Jumps – 5×4 – rebound as fast as possible and jump as high as you can
  • Chin-Ups – 25 total reps (if you don’t have a bar, find a tree branch)
  • Planks – 3×60 seconds


  • Push-Up/Sit-Up Card Game with only one partner. Double all reps. If your arms give out, move to kneeling push-ups.


  • Vertical Jumps – 5×3 
  • Clapping Push-ups – 5×3
  • Supine Push-Up – 3×10
  • Walking Lunges – 60 total reps
  • Conditioning – Rounds of 10 burpees, 20 mountain climbers, 30 jumping jacks, 1-minute rest. Work for 10 total minutes.


  • Squats/Crunches Card Game with only one partner. Double all reps.
Intermediate Template Week 3

Complete 100 push-ups per day except for Monday.


  • 150 Push-ups, 300 Squats. Complete reps throughout the day. 


  • Burpees – Complete 50 burpees as fast as you can. Rest as needed.
  • 5 minute rest period after burpees are completed.
  • Hill Sprints – Find a hill that takes 30 seconds to sprint up. Do 6 sprints with a walk down rest.


  • Slalom Jumps Over Basketball – 5×6 
  • Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×8
  • Single Leg Hip Thrusts – 5×8
  • Planks – 3×30 seconds


  • Tempo Ladder – Mark off 100 yards in a grass field. 10 seconds rest between reps, 60 seconds rest between sets. Pace should be a fast run, not an all out sprint.
  • Set 1: 1-1-1 (1 means 100 yards, 2 means 200 yards)
  • Set 2: 1-2-1
  • Set 3: 2-1-2
  • Set 4: 1-2-1
  • Set 5: 1-1-1


  • Squats/Crunches Card Game with only one partner. Double all reps.
Intermediate Template Week 4

Complete 100 push-ups per day except for Monday.Monday 

  • 5 minutes – complete as many squats as possible and record reps.
  • 5 minutes – complete as many push-ups as possible and record reps.
  • 5 minutes – complete as many sit-ups as possible and record reps.


  • Burpees – Complete 50 burpees as fast as you can. Rest as needed. Beat last week’s time!
  • 5 minute rest period after burpees are completed. 
  • Hill Sprints – Find a hill that takes 30 seconds to sprint up. Do 8 sprints with a walk down rest.


  • Slalom Jumps Over Basketball – 5×6 
  • Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×8
  • Single Leg Hip Thrusts – 5×8
  • Planks – 3×30 seconds + 30 Bicycle Crunches right after each set of planks.


  • Tempo Ladder – Mark off 100 yards in a grass field. 10 seconds rest between reps, 60 seconds rest between sets. Pace should be a fast run, not an all out sprint. For the second week, we are doing the Tempo Ladder twice. You get 5 minutes rest in between each Ladder.
  • Set 1: 1-1-1 (1 means 100 yards, 2 means 200 yards)
  • Set 2: 1-2-1
  • Set 3: 2-1-2
  • Set 4: 1-2-1
  • Set 5: 1-1-1


  • Squats/Crunches Card Game with only one partner. Double all reps.
Advanced Template Week 1


  • 250 Push-ups, 400 Squats. Complete reps throughout the day. Yes, you will be sore tomorrow!


  • Hill Sprints – Find a steep hill and sprint up 12 times. Jog back down for your rest. The sprint should take at least 15 seconds but not take longer than 30 seconds.
  • Standing Long Jump Bounds – 5×3 (5 sets of 3 reps)
  • Chin Ups – 40 total reps (if you don’t have a bar, find a tree branch)
  • Step Ups – Find a high chair/table and complete 60 total reps (30 each leg).
  • Side Planks – 3×30 seconds each side. 


  • Every hour, on the hour: 30 push ups, 25 Bulgarian split squats (25 reps on each leg). Workout starts at 8am and the last set is at 5pm.


  • Vertical Jumps – 5×3 (pick a target like a basketball net or gutter and jump to it)
  • Clapping Push-ups – 5×3
  • Inverted Row – 5×10, you can do this under a table.
  • Supermans – 3×10, each rep hold for 2 seconds at the top.
  • Conditioning – Every minute on the minute, do 12 burpees. You get the remainder of the minute as your rest. 15 total minutes.


  • Squat Iso-Hold – 3 supersets – Static Hold at parallel for 30-60 seconds, then do max reps. Rest 2 minutes between each set.
  • Push-up Iso-Hold – 3 supersets – Static Hold at mid-range for 30 seconds, then do max reps. Rest 2 minutes between each set.
  • Plank/Bicycle Crunch – 3 sets – 60 second plank, then immediately do 40 bicycle crunches.
  • Foam rolling – find a foam roller, PVC pipe, or rolling pin and roll out your legs.
Advanced Template Week 2


  • 10 minutes – complete as many squats as possible and record reps.
  • 10 minutes – complete as many push-ups as possible and record reps.
  • 10 minutes – complete as many sit-ups as possible and record reps.


  • Hill Sprints – Find a steep hill and sprint up 15 times. Jog back down for your rest. The sprint should take at least 15 seconds but not take longer than 30 seconds.
  • Chin-Ups – 50 total reps (if you don’t have a bar, find a tree branch)
  • Single Leg Hip Thrusts – 5×10
  • Side Planks – 3×30 seconds each side. 


  • Every hour, on the hour: 30 pushups, 40 walking lunges (20 each leg). Workout starts at 8am and the last set is at 5pm.


  • Vertical Jumps – 5×3 (pick a target like a basketball net or gutter and jump to it)
  • Clapping Push-ups – 5×3
  • Supine Push-Up – 5×10, 2 second pause at top of each rep.
  • Supermans – 4×10, each rep hold for 2 seconds at the top
  • Conditioning – 10 incline push-ups, 20 step-ups, 30 running high-knees, 1-minute rest. 15 total minutes.


  • Squat 30-10-30 – 3 supersets – 30 second descent, 10 full range reps, 30 second descent – Too easy? Do 20 reps instead of 10.
  • Pushup 30-10-30 – 3 supersets, same instructions as above.
  • Plank/Bicycle Crunch – 3 sets – 60 second plank into 40 bicycle crunches.
  • Foam rolling – find a foam roller, PVC pipe, or rolling pin and roll out your legs.
Advanced Template Week 3

Complete 200 push-ups per day except for Monday.


  • 300 Push-ups, 500 Squats. Complete reps throughout the day. 


  • Burpees – Complete 100 burpees as fast as you can. Rest as needed.
  • 5 minute rest period after burpees are completed.
  • Hill Sprints – Find a hill that takes 30 seconds to sprint up. Do 10 sprints with a walk down rest.


  • Depth Jumps – 5×3
  • Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×8 with pause at bottom.
  • Single Leg Hip Thrusts – 5×8 with pause at top.
  • Inverted Rows – 5×8 with pause at top.
  • Dynamic Side Planks – 5×10 reps each side.


  • Tempo Ladder – Mark off 100 yards in a grass field. 10 seconds rest between reps, 60 seconds rest between sets. Pace should be a fast run, not an all out sprint.
  • 20 pushups, 30 crunches after all sets.
  • Set 1: 1-1-1 (1 means 100 yards, 2 means 200 yards)
  • Set 2: 1-2-1
  • Set 3: 2-1-2
  • Set 4: 1-2-1
  • Set 5: 1-1-1


  • Squats/Crunches Card Game with only one partner. Double all reps.
Advanced Template Week 4

Complete 200 push-ups per day except for Monday.


  • 10 minutes – complete as many squats as possible and record reps.
  • 10 minutes – complete as many push-ups as possible and record reps.
  • 10 minutes – complete as many sit-ups as possible and record reps.
  • Compare reps to two weeks ago.


  • Burpees – Complete 100 burpees as fast as you can. Rest as needed. Beat last week’s time!
  • 5 minute rest period after burpees are completed. 
  • Hill Sprints – Find a hill that takes 30 seconds to sprint up. Do 12 sprints with a walk down rest.


  • Depth Jumps – 5×3
  • Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×10 with pause at bottom.
  • Single Leg Hip Thrusts – 5×10 with pause at top.
  • Inverted Rows – 5×10 with pause at top.
  • Dynamic Side Planks – 5×12 reps each side.


  • Tempo Ladder – Mark off 100 yards in a grass field. 10 seconds rest between reps, 60 seconds rest between sets. Pace should be a fast run, not an all out sprint. For the second week, we are doing the Ladder twice. You get 5 minutes rest between ladders.
  • 20 pushups, 30 crunches after all sets.
  • Set 1: 1-1-1 (1 means 100 yards, 2 means 200 yards)
  • Set 2: 1-2-1
  • Set 3: 2-1-2
  • Set 4: 1-2-1
  • Set 5: 1-1-1


  • Squats/Crunches Card Game with only one partner. Triple all reps.
Click Here for the Fall 2024 Sports InformationAthletics Calendar

Athletics Department:

Athletic Director
  • Dan Lively
  • 301.365.0227 ext. 161
Athletic Trainer
  • Tim Finnell
  • 301.365.0227 ext.

Athletics Hotline

For game cancellations and news, call 301.365.4300 ext. 501 or email


Please Note

The Heights is now partnering with Magnus Health SMR to collect all immunization and other health information, including the school’s athletic participation clearance form for students who participate in athletics. Please use this link  to access the Magnus Health Portal.

If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Connolly at 301.365.0227 x102 or