Tuesday, January 7th - Following MCPS, The Heights School will be closed due to inclement weather.

Alumni Weekend 2023 Recap

Great turnout at The Heights!

Alumni Weekend 2023 was a major success! Thank you to our shirt and koozie sponsors (see photos below) who helped keep the events very reasonably priced and sent everyone home with awesome gear.

The weekend began with longtime Heights English teacher, Michael Ortiz, leading a discussion of William Faulkner’s The Bear. These story discussions have become a staple of Alumni Weekend with many alumni together with their wives or girlfriends participating in a lively discussion.

The main event Friday evening was a reception in Chesterton Hall and the State of The Heights Address given by Headmaster Alvaro de Vicente ’83. The reception was a chance for graduates of all classes to gather and celebrate their alma mater. As well as give their wife, fiancée, or girlfriend the chance to better understand the school. The State of The Heights Address provided insights to the present and future situation at the school. All alumni are encouraged to attend this annual address held during Alumni Weekend. Following the address, alumni enjoyed cigars and conversation.

Saturday morning, Fr. Tony Bennett ’06 celebrated the Mass for Deceased Alumni, remembering our 24 fellow alumni who have passed away along with deceased chaplains, faculty, and headmasters. After Mass, Family Day kicked off with breakfast, moon bounces, and alumni soccer. While kids enjoyed moon bounces in the gym, Coach Babo ’80 refereed the alumni soccer game featuring current head soccer coach, Colin Gleason ’99 and fellow alumni players ranging from Diego Arbulu & Didier Sylla of 1993 to Joey Sheehan, Hank Mitchell, & Matthew Millard of 2023.

After the game, the Paella Competition began! Heights parents and alumni competed to prepare the best paella to the delight of all attendees. After lunch, members of the rugby team led a clinic and scrimmage for kids on the upper field. Overall a great day for alumni and their families!

Class reunions for the classes of 1993, 1998, 2008, and 2018 were held in the evening while many other alumni joined for a bonfire and cookout.

For Sunday, a schedule of Masses celebrated by alumni priests at their respective parishes throughout the D.C. area was posted. This list featured our eight local diocesan priests – Fr. David Meng ’81, Fr. Larry Swink ’94, Fr. Drew Royals ’97, Fr. Charlie Gallagher ’02, Fr. Tony Bennett ’06, Fr. Bob Kilner ’06, Fr. Stephen Wyble ’07, and Fr. Jordan Willard ’09.

Monday, The Heights Golf Classic was played at Worthington Manor. Forty-four of the one hundred players were alumni and they dominated the awards! Eddy Moss ’07 and Greg Pakaluk ’21 were members of the winning foursome, Claude Romano ’84, Chuck Briggs ’15, and Keenan Woofter ’15 were on the second-place team. Lowell Patterson ’06 won the putting contest, Ralph Fairbanks ’11 won the longest drive, and Jon Royden ’08 won closest to the pin. Thank you again to Denis Mitchell ’92 for chairing the event!

Mark your calendars for Alumni Weekend 2024 – October 11th to 14th!