Tuesday, January 7th - Following MCPS, The Heights School will be closed due to inclement weather.

Mission and Vision

Forming "Men Fully Alive"


The Heights School is a private, independent, preparatory school for boys, grades three to twelve. Our mission is to assist parents in the intellectual, moral, physical, and spiritual education of their sons, with dedicated teachers training boys rigorously in the liberal arts. This formation in virtue fosters respect for every person, a desire to serve God and others, and an optimistic attitude towards life’s challenges.

The glory of God is the living man.

- St. Irenaeus

Our mission reflects a commitment to foster the complete human development of every boy; to partner with parents to form “men fully alive.”  For 50 years, we have grounded our efforts in the following principles:

  • Parents are the primary educators
  • Education must be personal
  • Formation in virtue requires an environment of freedom
  • The Liberal Arts offer the intellectual foundation of a noble life
  • Spiritual formation requires study, the sacraments, and the example of faculty

Parents are Primary Educators

Parents will find in The Heights an indispensable and complementary partner in the critically important task of educating their sons. Indeed, the successful and complete education of every boy necessitates this partnership.

Why Primary Educators?

A Personal Approach

The Heights is an intensely personal place. As our boys work to develop their intellectual lives and to grow in self-mastery, they have our teachers by their side.  The intellectual life of our community is also facilitated by the authentic friendships promoted by our culture.  All of this comes together in the life of the boy through the mentoring program.

Explore Mentoring

An Environment of Freedom

Formation in virtue requires an environment of freedom because we seek not just to form the intellect but also to form the will. Boys must learn to choose the good, not simply to do the right thing when watched. Where our boys fail, mentors provide direction; where they choose rightly, they build the habits and dispositions that make them “men fully alive.”

Explore Freedom at The Heights

Authentic Liberal Arts

Heights students study a liberal arts curriculum grounded in the Western canon.  By incorporating the many noble aspirations and developments of the modern world into this classical context, we cultivate the full human potential of every student. In addition to offering excellent preparation for many professions, the chief value of the liberal arts is that they prepare our men for noble lives as servants of God, country, and family.

Explore the Curriculum

Spiritual Formation and Sacramental Life

The School’s Christian orientation and spiritual formation are entrusted to Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature of the Catholic Church. Opus Dei’s purpose is to foster among men and women of every walk of life a profound awareness of the universal call to holiness and apostolate, pursued freely, in their ordinary work and place in society.

Explore our Spiritual Formation

You will ever remember that all the End of study is to make you a good Man and a useful Citizen.

- John Adams