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2019-2020 Fiscal Year Recap

Record giving from alumni!

The 2019-2020 Heights fiscal year was a special one as the School celebrated her 50th anniversary. It was also a year with tremendous uncertainty. In the end, Heights alumni responded with generosity and contributed a record $139,656 in support of a variety of programs at our alma mater. 382 individual alumni contributed which is also a new record number. That represents 23.6% of living graduates. Thank you to everyone who stepped up this year!

I would like to highlight the top 10 classes by participation percentage (%) and number of individual gifts (#) since the earlier classes are much smaller than the recent ones. For instance, 2019 has 66 graduates while 1976 has 23.


I am very proud of our youngest alumni, the classes of 2019 and 2020 for giving back in a big way. 2019 has had the highest number of individual donors two years in a row. Everyone giving what they can really makes a difference.

Another example of generous giving by a class is the Class of 2009 Scholarship. Members of the class continue to contribute towards a full Heights scholarship for a student from the Tenley Achievement Program in Washington, D.C. When a class works together they can accomplish a lot, such as changing the life of a young man. Learn more about the Scholarship here.

I would also like to highlight a new alumni giving effort which is separate from the annual gifts above. The Class of 2006 established a new endowment called the Headmaster’s Fund, which provides funds for the Headmaster to use to assist students or faculty in need. Since March 2020, the fund has received $16,550 (not included in the $139,656 total annual giving since this is an endowment) and an additional $54,120 pledged over the next four years. Learn more about the endowment here.

If you would like to discuss other opportunities to financially support The Heights please contact me at to set up a time.

If you missed the chance to give in 2019-2020, don’t worry! You can still support our alma mater with a one time or recurring gift. Consider setting up a monthly donation for the 2020-2021 school year at

Thank you again to everyone who gave to The Heights this year, 

Jimmy Callahan ‘06