St. Irenaus famously wrote that “the glory of God is the living man”–oft quoted words with a clear meaning but an elusive definition.
Who is the “Man Fully Alive”? We know him when we see him, but how to describe him? And, more importantly, how do we help our sons live that reality both now and in their future? And how do we do that in the context of their own specific temperaments, instincts, abilities, strengths and weaknesses? And how do we do that in a time and broader culture that is often at cross-purposes with our own?
Guiding and accompanying our sons in this endeavor is our task and adventure. Join us for an evening lecture by Headmaster Alvaro de Vicente who will share his thoughts on the destination and the road ahead.
Doors open at 7:00 pm and the talk will begin at 7:30.
All are welcome!