Thursday, January 23rd - Following MCPS, The Heights School will open on time. Classes will begin at the normal time.
All Courses

Person of Christ

THEO 110

Person of Christ

  • Course ID:THEO 110
  • Semesters:2 (Meets every other day)
  • Department:Theology
  • Teachers:Joe Cardenas

Description and Objectives

This class is a half credit, full-year course, that meets every other day.  Its main topics follow the catechetical framework approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  The first main topic of the course are The Sacraments.  For each sacrament, we will study its scriptural basis and its celebration.  The second main topic is the “Person of Christ”.  We will begin our study of the “Person of Christ” by going to Sacred Scripture and analyzing commentaries on the scenes of the Gospel.

The main objective of this course is for the students to grow intellectually in their faith and get to know Jesus Christ as a person.  Students will be able to give reasons for what they believe: as St. Peter says in Scripture, “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope”.



  • The Sacraments: Source of Our Life in Christ, The Didache Series, ISBN 978-1-890177-92-8
  • The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ by Brant Pitre


Outline of Topics Covered

        The Sacraments (Please note: Marriage and Holy Orders will be covered in 11th grade.)

    1. Reconciliation
    2. Eucharist
    3. Baptism
    4. Confirmation
    5. Anointing of the Sick

    The Person of Christ

    1. The Gospel as a reliable source
    2. The Incarnation
    3. The Passion and Resurrection of Christ
    4. Christ is perfect God and perfect man
    5. Miracles of Christ as proof of his divinity
    6. Christ’s example of personal prayer; the Our Father
    7. Personal vocation presented by Christ

Course Requirements

Homework will be due at the start of class; also, students should expect quizzes on all reading assignments.

  • 10% Participation and Class Notes
  • 20% Homework
  • 70% Quizzes, Projects, and Tests


Successful Students

Please see course requirements.

Additional Resources

I am available outside of class and will make myself available for extra help whenever an appointment is needed.  And, I encourage parents to contact me with any questions or concerns either by phone or email: or (301) 365-0227 ext. 111.