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Eclogues (Latin 438)

LATIN 438 (Not currently offered)

Eclogues (Latin 438)
(Not currently offered)

  • Course ID:LATIN 438
  • Semesters:1
  • Department:Classics
  • Teachers:Finn Mehigan

Description and Objectives

The first published poetry of the Roman master Vergil, The Eclogues are beautiful examples of bucolic poetry. In this class, we will read and translate these poems. In addition, we will do substantial work in methods of acquiring the Latin language more generally.


The instructor will provide a Latin text (with commentary) of the text (from Cambridge University Press)

Course Requirements

Students are expected to come to class everyday ready to translate and discuss the given work that we are currently reading, as well as to seriously engage with the class review deck (which will solidify his Latin vocabulary and grammar)

Successful Students

  • study Latin at least fifteen solid minutes every day of the week, (that means tunnel vision from 0–15, no distractions, no touching or looking at a phone, not even a bathroom break
  • re-translate, as soon as possible, on the same day, what we have translated together in class, to consolidate and firmly establish new knowledge,
  • seek extra help outside of class, not only from the instructor, who is available before/after school every day, but also from classmates.

do synopses and DANS

Additional Resources

° a PDF of this and many other useful Latin and Greek language learning texts can be found at

° Digitized version hosted by Tufts University’s Perseus website here

  • Logeion online Latin and Greek dictionaries