Thursday, January 23rd - Following MCPS, The Heights School will open on time. Classes will begin at the normal time.
All Clubs

Boys Choir

Boys Choir

  • Grade level:3-6
  • Meeting Times:Wednesdays at 3:15 pm
  • Location:The Heights Music Building
  • Seasons:The Boys' Choir meets in three separate seasons. A calendar is distributed at the first audititions.
  • Notice:The Boys' Choir is an SSA group that sings for school Choral Concerts.
  • Advisors:Patrick Love

Club Mission

The Boys’ Choir is a dedicated group of young men who love to sing! Created in 2006 in an effort to provide an outlet for the musical talent and excitement in grades three through six, the Boys’ Choir has performed at The White House for President George W. Bush, for televised masses from the crypt of the National Shrine, and for other distinguished requests.  Each year they perform at the Fall Choral Concert, the Heights Christmas Concert, the Spring Choral Concert, the Maryland Day gala and some all-school masses for clan days and for other outside performances as they arise.

Dress Code – Students wear Khaki Pants (stone khaki, the lightest color), a white long-sleeve collared shirt, black dress shoes, black belt, black socks and a navy blue blazer.  Your son also needs a blue youth Heights tie, which can be purchased from The Heights Haberdashery or Haberdashery online.

Events & Topics

Fall Chorus Concert

Christmas Concert

Spring Chorus Concert

Maryland Day Gala

Other Performances TBA

Skills & Benefits

Students learn to match pitch, to maintain a tonal center and to sing alone and with others.  They are introduced to repertoire ranging from Gregorian Chant, Polyphony, French, Italian and American folk song, spirituals, chorales and other SS, SSA and SATB music.  Students learn to conquer their fear of public performance, to be part of a group, and serve as ambassadors to the school in the public sphere.