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Sports & Saints

Sports & Saints

  • Weeks:Jun. 23, 2025
    Aug. 18, 2025
  • Time:9:00 am-3:00 pm
  • Cost:$400 Full Day
  • Ages:5-13
  • Staff:Peyton Olszewski

Play hard, pray hard!

Your sons will have a blast this summer enjoying the finer things of life: sports and the Faith. Living their wildest summer vacation dreams, the boys will play sports while growing in appreciation and love of the Catholic Church. Come prepared for intense fun, virtuous competition, and heavenly inspiration.

Game On

  • The boys will play four sports each day.  In between each of the sports, a presentation will be given on some aspect of the Faith: a saint, prayer/devotion, sacramental, doctrine, or liturgical practice. Each day the camp will pray a devotion (Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, St. Michael Chaplet…) together as a community.
  • Each day will focus on a particular virtue.  The camper who best exemplifies that particular grace will be given a beautiful sacramental.
  • Each of the boys will be assigned to a team on day two of camp. There will be two “conferences”, boys will divided up based on age. The boys will duke it out with the other teams in their conference throughout the week with the “Big Board” tracking the standings. The top team of each conference will be crowned Camp Champions!


  • Basketball, soccer, dodgeball, handball, flag football, baseball, gaelic football, street hockey, and spikeball.

*We love suggestions, all sports requests will be considered!

What to bring:

  • Lunch, water bottle, rosary, athletic shoes (cleats optional), baseball glove, and any other sports equipment the boys would like to use.

  Sports and Saints of Summers Past

Click here for the Heights Schools Summer Programs Refund Policy.