Thursday, January 23rd - Following MCPS, The Heights School will open on time. Classes will begin at the normal time.
All Camps

Heights Knights: Arms and Armor

Heights Knights: Arms and Armor

  • Weeks:Jun. 9, 2025
  • Time:9:00 am-3:00 pm
  • Note:Campers must be 4½ years old on the first day of camp.
  • Cost:$265 Half Day
    $465 Full Day
  • Ages:4-8
  • Staff:Kyle Blackmer

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The King calls all pages and squires to rally to his banner for training to become the next generation of Heights Knights! Join us to learn the knightly virtues of chivalry, service, and strength as we practice our swordsmanship, learn about medieval weapons and armor, and prepare for the King’s great tournament of champions!

During Arms and Armor week (June 9-13) we will focus on the knight’s particular tools of combat, from sword and shield to lance, bow, and quarter staff. Special activities will include jousting, questing, and dragon-slaying!

During Storm the Castle week (July 7-11) we will dive into the world of medieval fortresses, learning about the various parts of these stone strongholds as well as the machines created to attack them. Special activities will include block castle building, and build-your-own siege engine.

Guided by daily readings of some of the greatest of knight’s tales, each of our young pages and squires will train in service to his lord and lady (namely, Dad and Mom) and earn advancement points toward his knighthood through acts of service, chivalry, courage, and skill.

Each knight will return to his home castle at week’s end with his own play sword and customized shield of his own design.

Staff: Mr. Kyle Blackmer has been teaching history, literature, and Latin at The Heights for nine years. He is also the Director of The Heights’s famous Clan Games, a series of festive physical competitions that Heights boys compete in throughout the year.

Note: All campers must be at least 4½ years old by the first day of camp.

Click here for the Heights Schools Summer Programs Refund Policy.